Thursday, 5 September 2013

The Future of the Young People

All these young people at one will be Nurses, Doctors, Presidents, pastors, Lawyer, Servant Leaders. The young people have the potential to transform the Uganda into the most Loved place to live in on Earth. When you look at them what do you see in their eyes? Youth Outreach Uganda decided to invest in the young people because no one knows the potentials these children have. They are helpless and needy children who need help  so that in the future they can discover their potential. You never no they may be the next Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King and any other great people that have lived on earth.
Just imagine if one of these children was you child what would be you lesson through this? To help is to sacrifice the small you have " I have learned to give not because I have much, But because I know how it feels to have nothing" Having nothing is so painful while helping not only makes one loved but also the Lord rewards that person accordingly.
These young people are so innocent of what is happening to there lives. The future is in these young people so lets help save there lives so the at one point can be the living testimony to the others.

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